The world had issues and was barrelling into trouble before COVID. Sadly, the pandemic just stole the spotlight – most unresolved issues, accumulated over decades, remain to be fixed. The geopolitical moment is also … impec…
Preberi več More History Than Society Can ConsumeNeolib Chickens Coming Home to Roost
It is nigh impossible to asses all the impacts of COVID. While it’s clear that its an egalitarian stress test of all forms of regimes and states, be they democratic, authoritarian or anything in between, a clear lack of systemic resil…
Preberi več Neolib Chickens Coming Home to RoostA Survivable Collective Challenge
COVID is teaching us, that in the modern world, a great power war is MAD and unthinkable even without nukes. C19 is an epochal balance of power shift. It’s also a systemic disruption of supply and trade chains, yet it still managed to wr…
Preberi več A Survivable Collective Challenge