If the globalized world was reeling from the pandemic shock before February, it entered permanent crisis mode after it. All continents and countries are facing societal stress in one form or another. With most of the world being intertwin…
Preberi več Crumbling DominoesKorea Redux
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has a very good (historical) chance, to be viewed as an epochal turning point. Depending on how it plays out, it can mark a lasting global split toward a multi-polar world order. More mundanely, it can simply m…
Preberi več Korea ReduxSriLankan Canary in the Coalmine
While the current systemic crisis has multiple causes – unrestrained neoliberalism, multipolar rebalance, covid, Ukraine, financialization orgy, climate and ecology, etc – and is no doubt global in scale, it shows itsel…
Preberi več SriLankan Canary in the CoalmineMultipolarity & IR Liberalism vs Realism
Putin’s gamble clearly shook the world as it made clear to everyone that US hegemony is over. A rebalans of power and shift towards a multipolar world order has been underway for cca two decades. The recent attack is now clearly showin…
Preberi več Multipolarity & IR Liberalism vs RealismTumbling Giants
When giants are tumbling, the ground is shaking for everyone. The pandemic is proving to be a systemic resilience test for all states. To some degree it may have accelerated the shift towards multipolarity, but it also meant that it struck i…
Preberi več Tumbling GiantsDigital “Great Game”
Given the current international climate, the digital sector is almost certain to be at the forefront of geopolitical “great games“. The issue is also extremely multilayered as it entails the world wide web, software and har…
Preberi več Digital “Great Game”Cold War 2.0 Fallacy
Diplomacy is heavily rooted in history and geopolitical interpretations. Given the cold relations between the ex-hegemon (US) and a rising superpower (PRC), old logic is again coming to the forefront.
Looking at the current state of aff…
Preberi več Cold War 2.0 FallacyMore History Than Society Can Consume
The world had issues and was barrelling into trouble before COVID. Sadly, the pandemic just stole the spotlight – most unresolved issues, accumulated over decades, remain to be fixed. The geopolitical moment is also … impec…
Preberi več More History Than Society Can ConsumeMednarodni Odnosi 101
- Preden se v prihodnjih objavah spusti v analizo trenutne geopolitične tekme, “inovativno” poimenovane Hladna vojna 2.0, je smotrn bežen pregled sfere mednarodnih odnosov.
- Praksa, teorija in analiza MO so tesno preplete
The Great Decoupling Hype
COVID has clearly exposed a lack of global resilience as its stress testing all continents and states regardless of the nature of their governance – be it authoritarian or democratic; developed or developing, although later clear…
Preberi več The Great Decoupling HypeNeolib Chickens Coming Home to Roost
It is nigh impossible to asses all the impacts of COVID. While it’s clear that its an egalitarian stress test of all forms of regimes and states, be they democratic, authoritarian or anything in between, a clear lack of systemic resil…
Preberi več Neolib Chickens Coming Home to RoostPandemija VS Globalizacija
Ob pričetku pandemije je človeštvo vstopilo v dolg tunel. Četudi se na hrbtu še vedno čuti žarke (izgubljene) normalnosti, ostaja nadaljnja pot in obseg sprememb nejasen. Kot vedno, se poskuša za nastalo stanje najti krivca – refl…
Preberi več Pandemija VS GlobalizacijaCOVID & End of Great Power Conflict
COVID, while a health crisis at it’s core, simultaneously exposed the fragility of a globalized world. Latter is perfectly exemplified by the economic shock that is slowly rippling through world economy. On the plus side, it is tea…
Preberi več COVID & End of Great Power ConflictA Survivable Collective Challenge
COVID is teaching us, that in the modern world, a great power war is MAD and unthinkable even without nukes. C19 is an epochal balance of power shift. It’s also a systemic disruption of supply and trade chains, yet it still managed to wr…
Preberi več A Survivable Collective ChallengeMultipolarity is Already Here
A raging debate has been circulating in IR circles of past decades. Multipolarity being THE buzzword at the core of it, with a flurry of thought and writing surrounding it. Crux of matter being, that it was not a matter of if, but of when. Dist…
Preberi več Multipolarity is Already Here